It’s at times like these we really wish we’d paid more attention during French lessons at school. If we had we may well have been able to provide a little more context to Laure Briard’s rather exquisite Égoîste.

Of course our shameful lack of understanding with regard to the French language means we’ll have to make a few assumptions! For example we’ll assume that Egoïste is far more likely to be a reprimand aimed at a somebody with a bit of an attitude rather than a paean to an expensive,  woody oriental Chanel fragrance of the same name.

It’s certainly a beautiful tune that starts out a little reminiscent of R.E.M.’s Near Wild Heaven, although as it reveals itself Harriet Wheeler meets Stereolab would be a rather more accurate description. It mixes dreamy vocals and chiming, occasionally strident guitars with a sublime melody that would speak directly to us whatever the language.

It’s from Laure Briard’s latest album Révélation ‘ which is available via Burger/2000 Records HERE

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