Songs To Learn And Sing – Mount Fabric, Findlay, Jonny Cola & The A Grades, Little Sparrow

Mount Fabric

Heuristic Fits, the new single from Mount Fabric is released on 15th April via Crystalline Record. Apparently it’s  “a song about the failings of the human brain as it tries to comprehend the meaning of life, the universe and everything.” It’s the first release from the band in 2013, and kicks off a series of singles throughout the year exploring science, religion and consciousness. Good job it’s not  exploring the “empathy of George Osborne” as one suspects this would be a very short series indeed and be liberally peppered with the words “fuck” and “off” . It’s a slightly off kilter slice of mean and moody angular math rock that occasionally sounds like a darker edgier less fey Alt J wandering through Thom Yorke’s warped and twisted daydreams. It is of course excellent… and even asks the question ” How to escape the semantic grid?”  Answers on a postcard please.

It’s available to buy from 15th April here:


Cold shower time – meet the future of female fronted rock n roll! Although if you’ve perused the virtual pages of the VPME over the last few months you probably already have! We’ve featured Findlay a few times recently HERE  for example, oh and HERE  too, this has been due in no small part, to the fact that we genuinely think she’s fucking AMAZING. So amazing in fact that we will happily smear ourselves in goose fat and wrestle anybody, Oliver Reed and Alan Bates style, who challenges that view.   Here’s her latest video, the lead track from her forthcoming EP ‘Off And On“. It even features a fella adjusting “his lad” which is the curse of having troublesome dangly bits I guess.

Jonny Cola & The A Grades

Jonny Cola A-Grades

It’s great to see and hear Mr Cola back and on fine form after a traumatic few years. In 2011 as the band were preparing for a series of gigs Jonny was given the devastating news that he had acute kidney failure. After a series of tests it was Jonny’s girlfriend glam DJ, promoter and bassist with the Priscillas Heidi Heelz who donated her kidney. Following a successful transplant and with Jonny and Heidi now fully recovered JC and the A Grades unleash another slice of glam-rock-Brit-pop- thrift- shop-Bowie and prove the party’s far from over .

 Little Sparrow

Simon Raymonde says of Little Sparrow – “Pure and lovely, she possesses a natural talent as a writer and singer”  whilst his Amazing Radio colleague Shell Zenner says she has “the voice of an angel.” We’ve also previously stated that  Katie “Little Sparra” Ware writes “songs of unflinching emotional honesty” and so here’s her latest song “Sending The Message.”

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