Unlike buckethead Ian Brown, there’s no danger of Birkenhead band Crapsons overstaying their welcome. “Ian Brown Is The Resurrection” clocks in at a hefty 51 seconds, which makes a Napalm Death ditty seem like a Rick Wakeman Arthurian Rock opera. They certainly make brevity a virtue and with a lyric like “he’s an anti-vaxxer , he wears a bucket hat, and if you follow his Twitter, he sounds a fucking twat” they manage to sum up Brown’s questionable anti-science views rather succinctly – I mean there’s no need to hang around and labour the point
It’s from their album Songs to Make A Brew To (and this isn’t the shortest track on it !) and it’s the first release on the band’s own independent label “Crap Records”. The band say “ The album encompasses every day life and recent news topics and brought together for a series of miniature rants.” It’s released today (18th March, 2022. ) which you buy HERE

- Award Winning Porridge
- Park People
- 82 on the 55
- Ian Brown is the Resurrection
- The Sorbet Tandoori
- Jenny Doody is a Grass
- Petrol
- Teabags & Strawberry Jam
- Elephant in the Room
- An Instruction To All Van Drivers
- Poor Old Prince Philip
- Fuck Off
- Bandcamp Everyday
- Insulate Britain?
- Front Row Knobhead
- The Final Echo