It’s hard to believe it’s been seven earth years since Ladytron graced us with an album, the cinematic ‘Gravity The Seducer’. When we interviewed Helen Marnie from the band back in 2011 regarding that particular release, (click link – ) we didn’t really have an inkling we’d have to wait 3 years shy of a decade for new ‘Tron music. However, it’s not like the band have exactly sat around twiddling their thumbs – amazing photography, videography, science, art, solo albums, music production (Daniel produced Lush’s excellent EP for example when they briefly reformed) and the planned overthrow of corrupt government have all been embraced by various members of the band.
Their first music in 7 years ‘The Animals’ is absolutely the perfect return fans were hoping for. It’s ‘classic Ladytron’ and was produced by Jim Abbis who worked with the band previously on the sublime “Destroy [Everything You Touch]” as well as their classic ‘Witching Hour’ album and he is arguably the producer who brought the best out of the bands fabulous sound. ‘The Animals’ is a throbbing, undulating, propulsive slice of electro shoegaze and sits alongside the very best of Ladytron’s formidable body of work. Helen’s vocals are like no other, they can sound icy, imperious and yet conversely can convey a sense of euphoria and emotion that has always been a hallmark of Ladytron’s oeuvre. It’s great to have ’em back !
The band have announced 3 headline dates including Liverpool where it all began. Tickets are on sale from 10am on Friday April 13th and available from UK LIVE DATES – NOVEMBER
3rd – 02 Academy, LIVERPOOL
4th – Roundhouse, LONDON |
![Video Of The Week - Ladytron - The Animals 2 Ladytron The Animals]()
It’s great to have Ladytron back. They are among the very best bands ever. I really dig the new song, “The Animals”.