Lizzie Esau : Jellyfish

Lizzie Esau is from London but raised in  Newcastle and when the pandmic turned the world upside down she had just began performing at open mic nights. 

If there were any postives for emerging artists during the pandemic related lockdowns it gave them a chance refine and finesse their sound. Which is what Esau did, as she began collobortaing with other like minded artsits via Zoom 

And her releases have gone from great to really fucking great. She’s also another artist who has benefited from the support of BBC Introducing ( See HERE  for more on the proposed cuts to BBC Introducing nationwide) 

From her debut single “What If I Just Keep Driving , The Enemy , to the bittersweet “Bleak Sublime” (Video below)  to the moving “Stay On the Phone” with the lyric “Stay on the phone, text me when you’re home… It’s a daily mantra… for girls living in the city at night…” she explained “after the murder of Sarah Everard and activist speeches I heard during my studies, the subdued thoughts in my brain tumbled out and I bluntly wrote exactly what I was thinking.”   It’s clear from her output that Esau is an astute and gifted emerging new talent .  

Her latest single “Jellyfish” continues her musical evelotion mixing a soaring chrous with the sort of grunge pop Wolf Alice do so well.

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