She’s So Rad is Jeremy Toy and Anji Sami , from New Zealand, ( or Middle Earth as Tolkien obsessives are wont to call it) who provide a second helping of free shoegazey goodness today. We must admit as band names go “Shes So Rad” may not be the snappiest moniker we’ve ever heard, sounding a little like a Scouting for Girls song title *shudder*, but when your tunes sound this good you could probably call yourselves “The Exploding Testicles Of Love” and get away with it. We could use all the traditional shoe-gaze adjectives and stock phrases , dreamy, gauzy, reverbing guitars, celestial warped off kilter synths, etc etc, but we won’t, and if such descriptors sound clichéd, rest assured “Confetti” defiantly isn’t.
Track Of The Day (2) – Shes So Rad – Confetti