Avec Sans – The Answer – Free Download

Remember Avec Sans, the mysterious duo whose name sounds rather like an avant-garde  font and whose music sounds like an ascension to heaven?  Remember their incredible electronic reworking of Bon Ivers ‘Perth’ that managed to retain the beauty of the original, whilst at the same time transforming it into a throbbing, elegiac electronic symphony?

Cast your mind back a few months and you may recall their first original recording ‘Heartbreak Hi’ a bitter-sweet electronic tour de force that a few years back may have started one of those vaguely absurd  big label style scrambles.  One in which our dynamic electro pop duo would find themselves hemmed in by the false anaemic rictus grins and faux bonhomie that passes for sincerity in those ghastly dog eat dog A&R scrums.

After gaining such momentum with just two releases the question is, have Avec Sans got the tunes to go the distance?  Well their latest track provides The Answer, both literally and figuratively ;)  ‘The Answer’ is a dark soaring sky scraper- razing slice of electronic genius and is arguably their best track to date.  Swirling synths eddy and surge propelled by pounding  beats whilst a voice like melting snow pleads “I am,  I am not the answer, I am just an outlet…”  as this duo once again reaffirm our belief that they deserve to be bigger than Donald Trump’s ego.  We love ’em.

Free download

You want a remix ? You got a remix …..

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