Big Wave – Dying on the Vine – Free Download.

Let’s get this off our chest, let’s get it out there, we have had ENOUGH of the deluge of earnest po-faced falsetto voiced young men who seem to be channelling some kind of weird hipster version of an acoustically inclined Aled Jones.  We are becoming heartily sick of their whining and mewling with regard to their fragile emotional state and regret at love lost.  Furthermore, we are unimpressed by their self-obsessed back-stories, which usually involve a craving for solitude, usually via a well appointed log cabin (with all mod-cons) in isolated locations thereby enabling them to put these feelings into musical form as a means of self catharsis.  The results of these labours are more often than not bland, insipid, self-indulgent, joyless laments and invariably the aural equivalent of walking through a wet, grey mist or creosoting your fence in the pissing rain….on a Tuesday…. in Thanet !  So a word of advice to record labels who agree to fund these indulgences, by all means drop them off at an isolated location, help them find their muse, only next time do us all a favour and leave them there with no phone, no internet and no map. Yeah?

Which brings us onto today’s ‘Track Of The Day’ from a band we have featured previously in this section.  It’s the welcome return of Big Wave from Devon with a free track entitled ‘Dying on the Vine.’  As with their previous releases, they mix dream pop with a C86 sensibility but crucially they write damn fine pop ditties.  Rather like a shaft of sunshine Big Wave manage to  briefly illuminate a somewhat moribund musical landscape which, as previously mentioned seems to be overrun with weeping monochrome hued ego centric pseudo poets.  Let’s hope it’s the usual festival season dip and not something more serious.  In the meantime, let Big Wave wash your inertia away and reinvigorate you with a track that proves you can write tunes about regret, love, and loss without sounding like a big fucking wet flannel.

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