Track Of The Day – FOE – ‘Xmas Break Up’ (Free Download)

More tunes of the seasonal variety arrive, this time in the shape of Foe, one of the brightest new musical talents in the UK by a country mile.  We’ve not really blogged enough about Foe this year, which is odd really, because her album ‘Bad Dream Hotline’ is in the upper echelons of our favourite albums of the year.  She’s exactly the kind of bold intelligent thoughtful genre-traversing artist that pop music desperately needs!  If we truly value genuine creativity and wish to halt the elevation of the dreadful homogeneous “backing-tracks- for- shopping- mall- consumerism” style music that Gary Barlow vigorously wanks off to every night than we need to cherish artists as innovative and talented as Foe.

Her Christmas tune, ‘Xmas Breakup’ a desolate Brontë-esque tale of doomed love acts as a welcome counterpoint to the tooth rotting saccharine musical fare you often encounter at this time of year !  The haunting lyrics such as “I’ll be hanging from the tallest tree clinging onto the love you gave that’s left in me/ I’ll be the angel that will haunt your dreams singing out for the love you gave”  may not be the staple of your average Christmas ditty but they do serve to reinforce what a wonderfully unique talent Foe is !

And with Pan’s People !

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