Track Of The Day – MØ – ‘New Year’s Eve’

Not really fans of New Year Eve here to be honest. It always seems to be a time when people spend too much time wallowing in what could have been rather than looking forward to what might be. Factor in vast quantities of weapons grade strength alcohol, the realisation that the festive season is almost over… and it can often end in disaster..which is why we tend to stay in these days … And any song that references New Year’s Eve really should be a bittersweet affair, gentle, contemplative and perhaps slightly sentimental.

Danish electro pop sensation  (Karen Marie Ørsted to her family) perfectly captures the mood and that certain kind of beautiful faded nostalgic emptiness that comes when one thing ends and another begins, with a sad reflective, lament in the form of ‘New Years Eve.’ It’s a new song which she states via her facebook page is  a thanks to all of you who’ve been supporting me in 2014″.

The original intent seems to have been to give the song away as a free download, however at the time of writing the link appears to be functioning in a similair fashion to Iain Duncan Smith’s empathy ie/ not at all *
* Update soundcloud download is now live (See below)

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