Songs To Learn And Sing – Those Dancing Days -‘I’ll Be Yours’

Those Dancing Days -' I'll Be Yours' free download

Swedish pop pixies Those Dancing Days, a band we first blogged about back in the pre coalition utopia that was  2007,  return with a free download ahead of their follow up to 2008’s debut  ‘In Our Space Hero Suites‘. The new album ‘Daydreams And Nightmares‘ is  to be released on 7th March 2011. The album was recorded over the past spring, summer, and autumn with producer Patrik Berger ( best known for his recent work with Robyn) in Stockholm.  Our 2008 interview with them can be accessed here.

Sounds like ? Swedish pop pixies discovering Motwon

And here’s a free download.

‘I’ll Be Yours’ By Those Dancing Days.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_comments=false&auto_play=false&color=a70f00″ width=”100%” height=”81″ ]


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